Woman In Her 20s Sexually Harassed By Managing Agent Of Computer Software Company

$375,000 – 50 Year-old Woman Sexually Harassed by Two Supervisors at Low Income Housing Development

Plaintiff alleged that two of her supervisors sexually pursued her and made sexually inappropriate comments. These comments occurred on virtually a daily basis. Plaintiff made multiple complaints to upper management, yet, nothing was done to stop the sexual harassment.

Defendants claimed that their comments were made in jest and were not sexually harassing. Winer, McKenna, Burritt & Tillis LLP were retained and established that the comments made by defendant perpetrators were in fact sexually degrading and created a hostile work environment. In addition, the fact that Plaintiff’s complaints to management went unaddressed created a punitive damage risk for defendants.

RESULT: $375,000 settlement on behalf of Plaintiff.

*Many of the cases that Winer, McKenna, Burritt & Tillis LLP, has settled are highly confidential. In order to provide consumers with an accurate list of settlements, we have accurately stated the amount of the settlement and the facts of the case, but we have changed the location of the cases and the industry of the companies we have sued to make the identification of the actual company impossible.