Verdicts & Settlements
Female Patient Wins $1,423,000 In A Physical & Sexual Abuse Case Against Her Psychotherapist
Female Patient Wins $1,423,000 in a Physical and Sexual Abuse Case Against her Psychotherapist. Contact the California Sexual Harassment Law Firm of Winer, McKenna, Burritt and Tillis, LLP at (510) 433-1000.
Female Plaintiff in Her Early 20s Sexually Harassed by Plant Manager of a Large Manufacturing Company. Contact the California Sexual Harassment Law Firm of Winer, McKenna, Burritt and Tillis, LLP at (510) 433-1000.
Judgment Against Pacific Bell For Sexual Harassment Of A Male Employee By His Male Supervisor
Judgment against Pacific Bell for sexual harassment of a male employee by his male supervisor. Contact the California Sexual Harassment Law Firm of Winer, McKenna, Burritt and Tillis, LLP at (510) 433-1000.
Judgment In Sexual Harassment Case Against FedEx
Judgment in Sexual Harassment Case Against FedEx. Contact the California Sexual Harassment Law Firm of Winer, McKenna, Burritt and Tillis, LLP at (510) 433-1000.
Kindergartners Allegedly Molested By Teacher
Kindergartners Allegedly Molested by Teacher. Contact the California Sexual Harassment Law Firm of Winer, McKenna, Burritt and Tillis, LLP at (510) 433-1000.
Male Employee Alleges Sexual Harassment Against Store
Male Employee Alleges Sexual Harassment Against Store. Contact the California Sexual Harassment Law Firm of Winer, McKenna, Burritt and Tillis, LLP at (510) 433-1000.
Male Janitor Sexually Harassed by Male Supervisor
A 22-year old Central American janitor, working in a food manufacturing plant, was harassed by his male supervisor, who lured him into a bathroom, locked the door, and forced the janitor to orally copulate him. The supervisor threatened that the janitor would be fired if he told anyone, and that he would not be believed… read more
Male Personal Trainer Claims Sexual Dysfunction After Being Sexually Harassed By Supervisor
Male Personal Trainer Claims Sexual Dysfunction After Being Sexually Harassed by Supervisor. Contact the California Sexual Harassment Law Firm of Winer, McKenna, Burritt and Tillis, LLP at (510) 433-1000.
Male Waiter Sexually Harassed By Multiple Coworkers At A Restaurant
Male Waiter Sexually Harassed by Multiple Coworkers at a Restaurant. Contact the California Sexual Harassment Law Firm of Winer, McKenna, Burritt and Tillis, LLP at (510) 433-1000.
Men Bring Disability & Racial Discrimination Case Against A Large Machinery Company
Men Bring Disability and Racial Discrimination Case Against a Large Machinery Company. Contact the California Sexual Harassment Law Firm of Winer, McKenna, Burritt and Tillis, LLP at (510) 433-1000.