Young Woman Sexually Harassed By Supervisor
$210,000 – Young Woman Sexually Harassed by Supervisor
Plaintiff alleged that she was sexually harassed by her supervisor while working at a construction company. She alleged that the supervisor made inappropriate sexual comments and engaged in offensive touching by frequently rubbing her shoulders. Defendant denied the sexual harassment and alleged that Plaintiff failed to complain while still employed. Plaintiff claimed that she was fearful of retaliation for reporting the conduct which is why she did not complain. She retained Winer, McKenna, Burritt & Tillis LLP who, through discovery and investigation, established Plaintiff’s likely credibility and the fact that defendant created a hostile environment for Plaintiff by his constant sexual comments.
RESULT: Settlement on behalf of Plaintiff for $210,000.
*Many of the cases that Winer, McKenna, Burritt & Tillis LLP, has settled are highly confidential. In order to provide consumers with an accurate list of settlements, we have accurately stated the amount of the settlement and the facts of the case, but we have changed the location of the cases and the industry of the companies we have sued to make the identification of the actual company impossible.