18-Year-Old Girl Sexually Harassed By Store Manager

$300,000 – 18 Year Old Girl Sexually Harassed by Store Manager

Plaintiff, only 18-years-old at the time, was employed by a large rental company. Plaintiff alleged that her manager sexually pursued her and constantly touched her during her employment. Plaintiff had to go to the police to get defendant’s conduct to stop.

Defendant claimed that Plaintiff was exaggerating her allegations, and was not seriously injured. Winer, McKenna, Burritt & Tillis LLP was able to establish the likely credibility of Plaintiff’s claims and was able to resolve the case.

RESULT: Settlement on behalf of Plaintiff for $300,000.

*Many of the cases that Winer, McKenna, Burritt & Tillis LLP, has settled are highly confidential. In order to provide consumers with an accurate list of settlements, we have accurately stated the amount of the settlement and the facts of the case, but we have changed the location of the cases and the industry of the companies we have sued to make the identification of the actual company impossible.